Weird Al

One of our missions here at re:Write is to help people learn how to write better, by, among other things, following the rules of grammar and avoiding corporate-speak.

So imagine our surprise and delight when we saw two of Weird Al Yancovic’s new videos.

“Mission Statement” should shame corporate PR departments into speaking English…

and “Word Crimes” just might make it cool to speak and write correctly.

The grammar spoof is generating a lot of social media commentary, much of it, sadly, negative. Puh-leeze. Weird Al is a smart-ass satirist, as are Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and generations of writers for Saturday Night Live, The New Yorker, and Mad Magazine. Their smart-assery doesn’t negate the truths they are telling. One expert tut-tutted that teachers might (horrors!) use this video in the classroom.

We sincerely hope so.